Ultra 130 it is a standard pc diagnostic audiometer
Affordable price as compared with other products with similar accessories and possibilities. The price includes: noise shields, free field speaker, speech audiometry, software for data storage.
The audiometer is compatible with PC / Laptop, with USB 2.0, Effetha software and Windows XP / VISTA. Energy saving – it consumes only 2W of electric power via computer. Perfect for diagnosis of small and large hearing loss. Maximum sound level is 130 dBHL.
- Air conduction (L & P) 125 ~ 8kHz; -10 ~ 130 dBHL
- Bone conduction (L & P) 250 ~8kHz; -10 ~ 85 dBHL
- Narrowband noise 125 ~ 8kHz; -10 ~ 90 dBHL
- Free field 250 ~ 8kHz; -10 ~ 80 dBHL
- Tone representation single, modulated, pulse, continuous
- Step [dB] 5
- Available tests manual, automatic, SISI
- Visualisation PC/Laptop display, printout-printer compatible with PC/Laptop
- Data recording (software) Effetha Audio
- Power USB 2.0
- Dimensions [mm] 278 x 195 x 50
- Weight [g] 660g (without transducers)
Standard accessories:
- Headphones with noise shields PB-81
- Bone transducer B-71
- Patient response switch
- Effetha Audio software
- Free field speaker
- CD with number and word tests Westra
- USB AA wire
- Operation manual
Download pdf Audiometers eng
- Effetha7
- Effetha1
- Effetha 4
- Ultra diagnostic audiometer
More information about our products available here.
If you’d like more information or have any questions please feel free contact us using this e-mail address: info@videomed.eu or by calling +48-74-84-38-109 (Monday – Friday, from 8:00 till 16:00 GMT+1).
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